Colts Neck Animal Clinic

Homeopathy Instructions and Administration of the Remedy

Congratulations on furthering your interest in Homeopathy and in choosing Dr. Rosemary Manziano to care for your best friend. As with all good things in life, Homeopathy is a science that requires patience.   With persistence, we will work together to bring about a rapid and gentle cure.

Administration of Remedies

 Please be advised most remedies are given only one time (single dose); however some  potencies are given daily.  The doctor will advise you as to the protocol best suited for your pet. 

Homeopathic remedy pellet's

Small pellets 2-4 can be placed on the gum above the canine tooth or on the tongue, do not touch the pellets use a spoon. 

Large pellets  can be crushed and placed on the gum or tongue.

Homeopathic remedy repetition

When giving a second dose, place 1-2 pellets in 2 oz water in a bottle and bang (succuss) the bottle on your hand or a book.

Then place  one teaspoon of the solution on the gums or tongue.

Homeopathic LM potency

Bang (succuss) amber bottle 10 times on hand place 10 drops in 2 oz water, stir and give 1 teaspoon on gums.

Throw out the rest. Make up new each day.

Homeopathic glass dilution

Place 2-3 pellets in 2 oz water and stir 30 seconds then take 1 teaspoon from the glass and place in a second glass.

Stir and give one teaspoon on gums.

Administration of Remedies

 Please be advised most remedies are given only one time (single dose); however some  potencies are given daily.  The doctor will advise you as to the protocol best suited for your pet.

Pellets : Small pellets 2-4 can be placed on the gum above the canine tooth or on the tongue, do not touch the pellets use a spoon.    Large pellets  can be crushed and placed on the gum or tongue.

Remedy Repetition: when giving a second dose, place 1-2 pellets in 2 oz water in a bottle and bang(sucuss) the bottle on your hand or a book. Then place  one teaspoon of the solution on the gums or tongue.

Liquid Administration: place 2-4 pellets in 2oz water , stir 30 seconds and give 1 teaspoon (no need for pellets to dissolve).

Second glass dilution: Place 2-3 pellets in 2 oz water and stir 30 seconds then take 1 teaspoon from the glass and place in a second glass. Stir and give one teaspoon on gums.

LM  Potency: bang amber bottle 10 times on hand place 10 drops in 2 oz water, stir and give 1 teaspoon on gums.

Throw out the rest. Make up new each day.

 Do not continue to give a remedy daily unless the doctor advises you to do so . A remedy that is repeated too often can result in a flare up of the symptoms of the underlying systemic imbalance, which could cause the curative process to cease.  Follow up phone consults and/or visits are thus critical in evaluating and reaffirming the prescribed remedy and assuring the  curative progression in a positive direction.