Colts Neck Animal Clinic

Theraphi Light Therapy

Theraphi Light Therapy (plasma light)

Theraphi Light is a powerful double conjugatePlasma light/infrasound bioactive field. It is a bio-resonance devices. Inventors Dan Winter and Paul Harris have shared with the world technology that assists the body with cell healing and regeneration. Theraphi utilizes a combination of light, sound, and electromagnetic fields to create a therapeutic environment. The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this “time reverse/rejuvenation” conjugations depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carvings, it is phase conjugate centripetal, negentropic.
Key features and concepts associated with Theraphi Light include:

Scalar Waves: Scalar waves, also known as scalar energy, are often mentioned in relation to Theraphi. The device produces scalar waves, which are said to be non-Hertzian and have unique healing properties. This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling , cyst and tumor growth. It is the charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition-which is the electrical opposite of cancer.

Resonance and Coherence: The device is designed to create a resonant and coherent field, aiming to bring the body into a state of balance and harmony. The idea is that restoring coherence at the cellular level can promote healing. Taking Incoherent waves and converting them to coherent waves to bring the body into balance and healthy function, at a cellular level.

Bioenergetics: Theraphi Light is often framed within the context of bioenergetics, suggesting that it interacts with the body’s energy fields to promote health and well-being.
Accelerates metabolism and heart rate and brings the sacral cranial spine liquid pumping to a still point (turning point for healing in many cases). We recommend beginning with short 7 minute sessions and working up to 20 minutes. The experience generally means you will not be sleepy fro a while after treatment, as all the cells in the body are ready to regenerate and heal.

Theraphi Light:Dan winter

The Theraphi tailors the specific longitudinal scalar wave directly affecting the cell nucleus. The phase-conjugate time-reversed waves and magnetic cascade derived from our unique phi-ratio harmonics provide for the maximum propagation of super-coherent bio-photons restoring the cells memory of its former healthy state.

Key features and concepts associated with Theraphi Light include:

Scalar Waves and Theraphi: Paul Harris

Scalar waves, also known as scalar energy, are often mentioned in relation to Theraphi. The device produces scalar waves, which are said to be non-Hertzian and have unique healing properties. This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling , cyst and tumor growth. It is the charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition-which is the electrical opposite of cancer.

Resonance and Coherence:

The device is designed to create a resonant and
coherent field, aiming to bring the body into a state of balance and harmony.

The idea is that restoring coherence at the cellular level can promote healing. Taking Incoherent waves and converting them to coherent waves to bring the body into balance and healthy function, at a cellular level

Bioenergetics & Accelerates metabolism

Theraphi Light is often framed within the context of
bioenergetics, suggesting that it interacts with the body’s energy fields to promote
health and well-being and heart rate and brings the sacral cranial spine liquid pumping to a still point (turning point for healing in many cases). We recommend beginning with short 7 minute sessions and working up to 20 minutes. The experience generally means you will not be sleepy fro a while after treatment, as all the cells in the body are ready to regenerate and heal.

The Enigmatic Legacy of Royal Raymond Rife: Pioneering Microscopy, Frequency Therapy, and Controversial Claims in the Battle Against Pathogens and Cancer

Royal Raymond Rife

(May 16, 1888 – August 5, 1971) was an
American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time

Royal Rife, full name Royal Raymond Rife, was an American inventor and researcher who gained attention in the 1930s for his work in the field of microbiology and frequency therapy. He developed a powerful microscope that could observe living microorganisms with much greater detail than was previously possible. Rife also discovered specific frequencies that could be used to destroy harmful microorganisms, including viruses and

One of his notable claims was the use of a device called the “Rife Machine” or “Rife Frequency Generator,” which could emit frequencies that would resonate with and ultimately destroy pathogens. Rife’s theories and inventions were met with skepticism from the scientific community, and his work was not widely accepted or replicated by mainstream researchers.

Despite the controversy surrounding his claims, some alternative health practitioners and individuals continue to promote and use Rife machines for various health purposes. Royal Rife, an American inventor and early researcher in microscopy, was poisoned and never got to pass on his information to other inventors and his elaborate microscope died with him.

Tesla Scalar Waves

Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.

Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source.

So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot. They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use!

Antoine Prioré: Electromagnetic Cancer Treatment

Antoine Prioré

Antoine Priore(April 10, 1912 – May 9, 1983) was an Italian
electrical engineer, best known for inventing an electromagnetic device that he claimed could cure cancer. The results were sufficiently significant to be supported by other experts Like Prof. Raymond Pautrizel, Marcel Rivière or even Nobel laureate in medicine André Michel Lwoff. Prioré was born in Trieste, Italy. Prioré received training in electrical engineering and was a radar technician for the Italian Navy. (Perisse, 1984) He was a prisoner of the German Nazi occupation of Bordeaux, France, until he was rescued by Louis Durand police captain and member of the French Resistance in 1944 (Bird, 1984)

Priore worked for 25 years (between 1950 and 1975) in Bordeaux, and built a series of electromagnetic devices producing a strong magnetic field of 600 gauss (60 mT) or more for the purpose of treating cancer and disease. His last device was funded by the French government with the help of onetime Prime Minister of France Jacques Chaban-Delmas. Prioré also built a large device (M-600) for the purpose of treating people with cancer. Prioré reported to have treated a number of animals with cancer with his device,Prioré claimed to have cured a number of terminal cancer patients with his earlier devices. (Bird, 1984) Prioré’s research attracted the attention of the French media in 1965 who dubbed it “L’affaire Priore”

In 1965, Prioré’s experimental research involving “English mice.” Mice with experimental cancers were sent to Prioré from the Chester Beatty Institute in England. Prioré exposed the mice to radiation from his devices, they were sent back to the institute. Scientists from the Institute claimed the mice returned to them were not genuine because they rejected new cancer grafts. One scientist with the institute, Pierette Chateaurenaud-Duprat, retorted the mice showed signs of immunity to the cancers they were originally grafted with.[7] Prioré’s colleagues supported his research until his death in 1983. Immunologist Raymond Pautrizel and Robert Courier, former secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, published a series of notes on Prioré’s research in the proceedings of the French Academy. Pautrizel, an apologist, classified Prioré’s methodology as immunological in nature, since animals inoculated with deadly doses of parasites were reportedly healed with Prioré radiation. According to Bird (1984), a supporter, Priore’s methodology was also characterized by boosting
subjects’ immune systems, allowing them to heal themselves of incurable
diseases. Antoine Prioré died on May 9, 1983, friends say he was run over in the streets , others say he had a stroke.